Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The New Testament: Luke 1 through Matthew 18

Zechariah and Elizabeth too old to bear a child
Lit incense/Angel Gabriel spoke of their first born while
Did not believe they would birth a son name John
Gabriel took away his voice/Could not speak until legacy begun
Gabriel told Mary she would birth Jesus
Who is Son of God/Angel told Joseph to trust
Both married/Took shelter in a stable
Gave birth/Bright light blaze/Came angel
For shepherds to see/Simeon held Jesus in arm
Promised his presence before death/Anna would charm
The parents/King Heron felt threatened
Sent three wise men/Star was great helping
Fell to knees/Worship/Gave gifts
Joseph warned in a dream to leave/As God's wish
King Heron upset/Killed evetry child under two
Later died/Son Archelaus ruled too
Joseph and Mary left Jesus behind on accident
Only twelve/Talked to wise men to their atonishment
John the Baptist wandered places to preach
Baptize Jesus/God was very pleased
Jesus fasted in the wilderness for forty days
Devil tried to tempt him/Then him/Then went away
Jesus rode on Simon Peter's boat
Help them make miraculous catch after lost of hope
Chose twelve disciples/In due time
Invited to a wedding/Turned water into wine
Attract large crowds/Gave great Sermon
Cured a leper and a paralyzed man
A beloved Centurion has an ill servant dying
Jesus cured him/There is no denying
Fell asleep on boat/Violent waves came in
Some awoke him/Calmed by his command

A wild man possessed/Name is Legion
Jesus transferred his spirit to pigs/Leaving
Swine jumped off ledge/Jarius daughter dead
Jesus said she was sleep/Awoke her from bed
Woman touch his robe/That cured her illness
If you plant a seed on unstable ground/It's useless
If you plant on fertile ground/Rich and grow
Lesson for life/Do good/God will know
King Antipas married brother's wife
John the Baptist condemned him/King took life
At request of wife/Daughter/John's head
Served on silver platter/Jesus led
Disciples across sea/Five thousand followed
Tok bread/Two fish/Made food/All gobbled
Disciples on boat turbulent wqaves again
Jesus walked on water/Peter jumped in
Took steps looked down/And fell
Jesus helped him after his courage failed
Taught a lawyer meaning of a good Samaritan
Told disciples/After death he will rise again
Peter, James, John heard voice of the the Lord
Witness ghosts of Mose and Elijah/Took it hard
Mary and Martha cried when Lazarus died
Days later Jesus made Lazarus rise
Compared God to a shepherd of a hundred flock
If one is lost then ninety nine will have to stop
Told a story of a rich farmer and son
Son left/Wasted inheritanace/Broke/Strung
Returned to father was celebrated
Forgiven even though brother hated it
A servant in debt with King but forgiven
Servant didn't do same with others/King threw him in prison

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